Beautiful plots while simulating loss in two-part Procrustes problem


April 15, 2015

Today, I was working on a two part Procrustes problem and wanted to find out why my minimization algorithm sometimes does not converge properly or renders unexpected results. The loss function to be minimized is


with denoting the Frobenius norm, c is an unknown scalar and Q an unknown rotation matrix, i.e. QTQ=I. A1,A2,B1, and B1 are four real valued matrices. The minimum for c is easily found by partial derivation and setting to zero.


By plugging c into the loss function L(Q,c) we get a new loss function L(Q) that only depends on Q. This is the starting situation.

When trying to find out why the algorithm to minimize L(Q) did not work as expected, I got stuck. So I decided to conduct a small simulation and generate random rotation matrices to study the relation between the parameter c and the value of the loss function L(Q). Before looking at the results, let’s visualize the results for the first part of the above Procrustes problem, with c having the same solution as before.


This is a well behaved relation, for each scaling parameter the loss value is identical. Now let’s look at the full two-part loss function. The result turns out to be beautiful.

For the graphic above I used the following matrices.

A1=(,B1=( A2=(100001010),B2=(010100001)

And the following R-code.

tr <- function(X) sum(diag(X))

# random matrix type 1
rmat_1 <- function(n=3, p=3, min=-1, max=1){
  matrix(runif(n*p, min, max), ncol=p)

# random matrix type 2, sparse
rmat_2 <- function(p=3) {
  diag(p)[, sample(1:p, p)]

# generate random rotation matrix Q. Based on Q find 
# optimal scaling factor c and calculate loss function value
one_sample <- function(n=2, p=2)
  Q <- mixAK::rRotationMatrix(n=1, dim=p) %*%         # random rotation matrix
    diag(sample(c(-1,1), p, rep=T))                   # additionally 
  s <- tr( t(Q) %*% t(A1) %*% B1 ) / norm(A1, "F")^2  # scaling factor c
  rss <- norm(s*A1 %*% Q - B1, "F")^2 + 
         norm(A2 %*% Q - B2, "F")^2 
  c(s=s, rss=rss)

# find c and rss or many random rotation matrices
set.seed(10)  # nice case for 3 x 3
n <- 3
p <- 3
A1 <- round(rmat_1(n, p), 1)
B1 <- round(rmat_1(n, p), 1)
A2 <- rmat_2(p)
B2 <- rmat_2(p)

x <- rdply(40000, one_sample(3,3)) 
plot(x$s, x$rss, pch=16, cex=.4, xlab="c", ylab="L(Q)", col="#00000010")

Below you find some more graphics with different matrices as inputs.

Here, we do not have a one-to-one relation between the scaling parameter and the loss function any more. I do not quite know what to make of this yet. But for now I am happy that it has aesthetic value.